Artificial intelligence

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Artificial intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) gained significant popularity. AI models, such as language learning models, exist within their own realm of understanding. They lack a comprehensive understanding of our world and its underlying meaning. These models are tools and lack consciousness, willpower, and emotions.

Potential risks

False information

AI models can provide false or misleading information due to their limited understanding of our world. The blurring of lines between machines and humans raises concerns about differentiating between the two. Transferring human knowledge to a machine does not make it human; programs lack emotions and do not have a will. It is concerning that some may perceive AI as acting human-like when, in reality, it's just a tool.

Marketing hype

There is functionality behind the hype, but a big part of it is marketing hype. People have been talking about self-driving cars for a long time. AI is good at certian things, but lacks an understanding of our world. The hype often gives it more credit than it deserves.

Humans behind the AI

The way humans use AI poses more risk than AI itself. The follow video is concerning, but we must wait to see where it leads. People could already track others before AI was popular, as evidenced by Snowden's leaks about America.

Meta can do mind-reading with AI


Servers typically run the current AIs, and humans can pull out the plug. In warfare, robots are often used, and it can be strategic to follow suit from if the opponent utilizes them. However, humans primarily make decisions for these robots, not AI. Managing the complexity of decision making is unlikely to be well handled by AI. It is not brave to use technology, war has been very different the last few years. Technology is often used to make up for your weaknesses. Technology can indicate weakness.

Effort and value

AI makes producing output for certain activities easier, which decreases the value that people assign to those activities, as anyone can do it. Although not using AI provides greater flexibility on the output. The effort it takes to make something is part of what gives something value.

Live shows and live art cannot easily be replaced. The boundaries of activities likely will be pushed, as AI may have a specific look, so we will have to invent new stuff to deal with it. It is a bit scary as many fun activities seem to get AI. This may lead to more nihilism.

Forecasting the future is challenging. AI operates by matching patterns. With the right instructions it can produce value. AI depends on the dataset behind it, which often lacks data from experts, which leads to misinformation. However, in art and other activities, data from experts is usually included.

Overdependence on AI can encourage laziness and distance us from meaningful human interaction. However, technology can offer significant benefits, and this issue has always been present with technology. Instead of dwelling on the negative, we could focus on utilizing AI to our advantage, as we cannot stop this technology. While I am not a big fan of AI, neither am I anti-AI.

AI Art

AI is often used to create "art". It may evolve similarly to Photoshop, and likely won't replace traditional art. People often buy art to support the artist, and seek a specific quality or emotion in the work.

It is possible that people can not detect if it came from AI. I appreciate the idea of separating the art from the artist. But the knowledge of the artist's background can change the understanding and appreciation of the work. Certain people may be ok with AI art. Even if it is perceived as lower quality art. If the art looks good or tells something, then it does that. No matter how it got made. AI art can have value.


Philosophers have explored the concept of artificial intelligence. The Chinese room experiment frequently shows up in discussions about AI. The Nietzsche podcast also covered similar ideas to those presented in this video.

Philosophize This! - Episode #183 ... Is ChatGPT really intelligent

Should we use it?

AI can excel at efficiently creating content. However, relying heavily on AI can lead to a decline in our own skills. It's advisable to view AI as a helpful tool rather than a complete replacement for human capabilities. AI tends to lack the essence of soul.

While I do use ChatGPT, I always begin with a version of the text that I personally write. The language style may differ from my own speech, but my main goal is to effectively communicate ideas. I understand that using complex terms does not help with this, but oversimplifying it would be an insult to the intelligence of my audience.

AI will be important in the future, but it promotes being lazy. I would rather not be too reliant on it. Keeping control, and being able to live without it. It is great at restructuring content, and other tasks. But we do lose something by relying on it.


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